Sunday, September 9, 2012

oh how he loves...

honestly...Psalm 77 is my life right now. my heart. my feelings.

funny..we will be married 7 years tomorrow.

how is that possible? time is not gracious. it does not stop. even in your struggles. or hurt. it just keeps going. and here we are.

i know 7 is the number of perfection.

i feel so far from that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlfriend... I had no idea u were a blogger! Hello there!!! I just read a few of your posts... the one before this one & I know exactly what you are saying! Let's take off our masks as well as look beyond the surface of those we encounter & be sensitive to their grief, pain & joy! Let's partake in each others lives!
    and... your fear... may just be part of who you are... is that a uniqueness God has placed in you for a reason??? Is that what keeps you near to Him & that's why He does not deliver you from it?
    What we sometimes see as weakness is really a strength... it's good to have a healthy fear.
    Keep walking that out in Truth...
    I love u girl!
